Monday, June 23, 2008

Comment on a Colleague's Work

I found Katelyn's argument for more gun control laws very reasoned and well thought out. It shows a good amount of researched information, good examples to prove that gun control laws are a problem, and a possible solution to this problem.

The only downside I saw to this blog was her possible solution. She said "I believe that even more laws should be put in to place to protect imitation gun users from themselves." I feel that, if by putting more laws on gun control has caused an increase in illegal gun use, real and fake, shouldn't we try a different route? Maybe we could look into why illegal gun use has increased and see if we could stop the "why" from happening. For example, maybe illegal gun use has risen because the gun safety classes aren't really getting the message across. Perhaps we could focus on making the classes mandatory for all ages, and requiring any gun owners or users to take a safety class every two years or something.

I, as a soon to be daughter-in-law to an avid NRA member, have heard the opposing argument many times. I found this blog interesting and it hit very close to home. Overall, I feel that Katelyn did a good job in presenting her side.

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